Refund & Cancellation
At Kullu Manali Travel, we understand that cancellation policies may vary for each service. That’s why we always recommend that you review the terms and conditions for every service you book with us. This will give you all the information you need about cancellation or refund policies.
If you need to cancel a booking, you can do so online at If you encounter any difficulties, our customer care team is always available to assist you. Please note that the time it takes to process your cancellation may vary depending on the specific terms and conditions that apply to the service you booked.
In some cases, you may be charged a penalty for cancelling a service that you have not used or cancelled after the deadline mentioned in the terms and conditions. By booking with us, you agree to pay the full cost of your booking, as well as any cancellation or administration fees that may apply.
Please be aware that in some cases, Kullu Manali Travel may need to charge additional fees for cancellations or amendments that are not imposed by the travel service providers.
We reserve the right to reject any booking for any reason and will not be liable for any claims of compensation, loss, or damage. In such cases, we will refund all money that has been collected from you and is still unused.
If you have already paid for a booking, refunds will be provided according to the refund policy mentioned in the terms and conditions. Please note that the timeline for refunds may vary depending on the service you booked. For example, it may take around 30-45 working days for air ticket cancellations, and approximately 10-15 working days for hotel cancellations.
Please keep in mind that the cancellation and refund policies may differ for each service we offer. The refund timeline provided is a guide for your reference only, and Kullu Manali Travel is not bound to adhere to it.